Hu Jiaqi: Reply Letter to Manuel Herranz, President of Human Unity Movement (HUM)

 Dear Mr. Manuel Herranz,

Thank you for your letter.

After receiving your email, I have learned a lot about your organization on the official website of Human Unity Movement (HUM). I deeply admire your and your organization's concern for the fate of humanity and the call for unity across the world.

Your letter made me realize that in my over forty years of researching human issues, I was not fighting alone. There are thousands like you, knowledgeable individuals who are deeply concerned about the fate of humanity, fighting alongside me.

As an anthropologist and entrepreneur, I have published several works since 2007, which have been translated into multiple languages. If you are interested, you can find these publications on both my personal website and the official website of SHAO. A crucial conclusion from my research on human issues is that the continual development of science and technology will inevitably lead to the extinction of humanity, whether in a few hundred years or within this century. To save humanity from extinction, it is imperative to achieve human unity, using the power of a world government to firmly restrict the development of science and technology, and to make good use of the existing safe and mature technological achievements.

While deeply concerned about the fate of humanity, I have been advocating for years and founded the Save Human Action Organization (SHAO) in the United States in 2019, hoping to use the collective power to prevent humanity's self-destruction.

Mozi is a great thinker in Chinese history, whose concept of universal love and non-aggression still has lots of followers around the world even thousands of years later. I, too, greatly admire his philosophy of peace. On the issue of peace and unity, both of us, as individuals, and our organizations have similar propositions to some extent. We have spontaneously realized that today's human society faces significant problems and that the only way to solve these problems is for humanity to set aside prejudices and unite together.

I sincerely congratulate you on the positive achievements that Human Unity Movement (HUM) has made so far. In the great torrent of saving humanity, every little drop of effort is needed. Both your organization and I can be that most devoted drop of water. I believe we will have more opportunities in the future to discuss and exchange views on the fate of humanity. I hope we can jointly contribute to humanity.

This is my personal email:, looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,


Founder of Save Human Action Organization (SHAO)

Hu Jiaqi

February 4, 2024